The NPDN national meeting will provide you with the opportunity to showcase your contributions to the science, practice, and implementation of plant diagnostics and plant protection. Posters will be displayed in the conference center on both days of the meeting. There will be evening poster session mixers to showcase and discuss your work.

Poster Information

Maximum Dimensions: 48" Tall x 42" Wide
Deadline for submitting poster abstracts: July 5, 2024. 
Abstract submission fee:  $35, and must be paid when you register.
Local Poster Printing Services (optional): Curry Printing. Curry Printing is located one block from the conference venue. Posters printed at Curry Printing will be delivered to the venue as long as you state your printing is for the NPDN Meeting.
Local Poster Printing Deadline: September 1, 2024.
The space is limited for the number of posters, poster registration will be accepted on a first come first serve basis.
Materials for attaching posters to the board will be provided.

Upload PDF File

A final .pdf version of the poster should be uploaded to the NPDN meeting website within 1 week of the close of the meeting.

Abstract Submission and Formatting Instructions

Abstract Type

  • Select Submit an Abstract Here button below for Poster and Oral Abstracts. Speakers are encouraged (but not required) to submit Oral abstracts through the online submission platform below. Please denote in your Title if this is an Oral submission.

Poster Title

  • 175 characters maximum including spaces
  • Capitalize only the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns
  • Registered names and trademarks are not permitted in title
  • Symbols (Greek, math, etc.) must be spelled out, e.g., Beta

Authors and Affiliations

  • Please follow the required format for author names. Enter all author names as {First name}{MI.}{Last name}. Separate names with semicolons (;).
  • Use numbers in parenthesis to enter a reference to the affiliation. Ex.: Jane M. Doe (1); Joe D. Smith (2); William Brown (2)
  • Enter the affiliation in a separate field and follow the required format. Enter {institution name}, {city}, {state}. Use numbers in parenthesis to match authors. Separate with semicolons (;). Ex., (1) University of Florida, Gainesville, FL; (2) USDA Forest Service, Washington, D.C.

Abstract Text

  • The abstract must be in one paragraph.
  • DO NOT INCLUDE the title, author name(s), or author affiliations in the abstract text field.
  • Abstracts should be no longer than 1700 characters including spaces and formatting marks. Remember to italicize where appropriate. Don’t include graphs or figures.

Contact Information for the Primary Author

The abstract confirmation will be sent to this email address. 

Key Words

Please submit at least 3 keywords that are relevant to your poster. Following the meeting pdf files of the posters will be available to NPDN members. Keywords will be a useful search tool to help users navigate the poster pdf files.

Abstract Payment

  • The abstract submission fee is $35 and should be paid when you register for the meeting.
  • Enter your registration confirmation number to certify that you have paid for the poster submission.

If you have any questions, please contact Martin Deubler ( or Jan Byrne (