Pages that are outdated and stored only for reference

2024 National Meeting - Awards

Nomination applications and supporting materials should be submitted by June 14, 2024.

Over the years, NPDN members have provided hours of dedicated service to fulfill our mission. In light of their commitment to our network, we will provide an opportunity to recognize both individuals and teams for their contributions to the NPDN.  

2023 GPDN Webinar Series

Field of Wheat bannerGPDN is excited to kick off the GPDN Webinar Series for 2023! This year the series will be hosted via Zoom. The series will feature speakers from universities and government agencies across the country. Topics include invasive pests, modeling, and updates on some diseases. These topics are relevant to pest management specialists and diagnosticians in plant pathology, entomology, and weed science.

WPDN Regional Meeting 2023

We are having our 2023 WPDN Regional Meeting during the 2023 Plant Health APS meeting (PH23). 

When: Wednesday August 16, 2023 at 1:00 - 5:00 PM  - MDT

Where: Hybrid.

In person: Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel​​ ​in Denver, Colorado. Room: Governor Square 16. 

Virtual participation will be available for those that cannot be there in person. Please register as a virtual participant to receive the login information.

GPDN Webinar Series 2008

Speaker Affiliation Date Seminar Title

GPDN Webinar Series 2009

Speaker Affiliation Date Seminar Title
Ned Tisserat CO 2/04/2009 1000 Cankers Disease
Erick Dewolf KS 02/11/2009 UG 99
Megan Kennelly KS 02/18/2009 Overcoming turf-

GPDN Webinar Series 2010

Speaker Affiliation Date Seminar Title
Erik Hanson MT Dept Ag 02/17/2010 Nuisance Aquatic Pests
Robb Alleman USDA/APHIS 02/24/2010 Career and Educational Opportunities within
Plant Protection and Quarantine
Mike Hill/

GPDN Webinar Series 2011

Speaker Affiliation Date Seminar Title
Frank Peair CSU 02/23/2011 Development of IPM approaches for Russian wheat aphid
Shannon Arnold MSU 03/09/2011 Creating Interactive and Engaging Activities for Adult Learners
Jim Stack

GPDN Webinar Series 2012

Speaker Affiliation Date Seminar Title
Marty Draper NIFA 02/22/2012 Evaluating Our Impact
Howard Schwartz CSU 02/29/2012 Onion PIPE
Margery Daughtrey Cornell University 03/14/2012
Speaker Affiliation Date Seminar Title
Aaron Palmateer University of Florida 01/16/2013 Impatiens Downy Mildew
Kate Evert University of Maryland 01/23/2013 Powdery Mildew on Vegetable Crops
Speaker Affiliation Date Seminar Title
Carrie Harmon University of Florida 1-22-2014

Collaborative Research in Detection and Diagnosis Meeting the Challenge of Invasive species Detection Economic Constraints

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