2023 NPDN Annual Impact Report



Alicyn Smart, Jan Byrne, Ray Hammerschmidt, Karen L. Snover-Clift, James P. Stack, Tania Brenes-Arguedas, Jeffrey B. Jones, and Carrie L. Harmon. Evolving Plant Diagnostics During a Pandemic. Plant Health Progress 2021 22:1, 21-25. Published Online:27 Jan 2021. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHP-08-20-0074-MR

WHITE PAPER: National Plant Diagnostic Network. A critical resource enhancing national biosecurity against plant pests and pathogens. The American Phytopathological Society | www.apsnet.org | March 2019

Bostock R, Thomas C, Hoenisch R, Golino D, Vidalakis G. 2014. EXCLUDING PESTS AND PATHOGENS: Plant health: How diagnostic networks and interagency partnerships protect plant systems from pests and pathogens. Calif Agr 68(4):117-124. https://doi.org/10.3733/ca.v068n04p117.

James P. Stack, Richard M. Bostock, Raymond Hammerschmidt, Jeffrey B. Jones, and Eileen Luke. 2014. The National Plant Diagnostic Network: Partnering to Protect Plant Systems. Plant Disease / Vol. 98 No. 6. Published Online:12 May 2014. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-08-13-0876-FE

BOOK CHAPTER: Stack J.P. (2010) Diagnostic Networks for Plant Biosecurity. In: Hardwick N., Gullino M. (eds). Knowledge and Technology Transfer for Plant Pathology. Plant Pathology in the 21st Century (Contributions to the 9th International Congress). Vol 4. Springer, Dordrecht. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4020-8934-3_6

Stack J, Cardwell K, Hammerschmidt R, Byrne J, Loria R, Snover-Clift K, Baldwin W, Wisler G, Beck H, Bostock R, Thomas C, Luke E. The National Plant Diagnostic Network. Plant Dis. 2006 Feb;90(2):128-136. doi: 10.1094/PD-90-0128. PMID: 30786403.

NPDN 2019 Strategic Plan

2019 NPDN Strategic Plan -- NPDN conducted an internal Strategic Planning between 2017-2019. The 2019 NPDN Strategic Plan identifies the mission of the NPDN, a vision for the network, the goals and objective for the future of NPDN, and the NPDN response to USDA-NIFA challenges issued in the 2016 cooperative agreement.

NPDN 2016 review

Report of the Review Committee -- In May 2016, a committee composed of representatives of major stakeholders, U.S. government agencies and NPDN university partners was convened by USDA-NIFA to conduct a critical review of all facets of NPDN.

2011 APS Public Policy Board Impact Evaluation

NPDN 2007 five year review

In January 2007, a committee composed of representatives of major stakeholders and NPDN university partners convened by the NPDN Executive Committee to conduct a critical review of all facets of NPDN.

NPDN Study Cases

NPDN PPV Case Study (2006) - A summary of plum pox virus (PPV) and the critical surge capacity for PPV detection that NPDN provided to USDA-APHIS and state departments of agriculture in Michigan and New York in 2006.

NPDN Asian Soybean Rust Case Study (2004) - The role that NPDN sample chain of custody and communications training, conducted in partnership with USDA-APHIS and state regulators, played in confirmation of the first detection of Asian soybean rust in North America.

NPDN P. ramorum Case Study (2004) - Illustrates the importance of having a prepared nationwide diagnostic network: NPDN diagnostic surge support to USDA-APHIS and state regulators immediately following the first detection of Phytophthora ramorum in the United States helped avert catastrophic financial losses to U.S. nurseries.