We are pleased to announce registration is now open for the 2024 PPCDL-Advanced Diagnostic Workshops hosted by the Scientists of the Plant Pathogen Confirmatory Diagnostics Laboratory (PPCDL) in Laurel, Maryland.  The workshop planning team has developed a schedule that offers a wide variety of topics and delivery methods…seven topics in all…and both in-person and virtual workshops. Four of the seven topics are NEW in 2024.

In-person workshops are shown on the calendar with solid lines surrounding the title and virtual workshops are shown with dashed lines surrounding the title.

The 2024 workshops will begin March 4, 2024 and run through April 4, 2024. Course descriptions are posted on the https://www.npdn.org/beltsville_workshops_2024  to help you decide which workshops are right for you. Check the NPDN portal page frequently to find updates and associated documents that will aid in making travel arrangements and requesting reimbursement for your travel expenses.  

The registration deadline has been moved up to help our hosts with their planning process. Everyone must register for their preferred workshop(s) by the close of business on December 20, 2023.

The Bioinformatics Module on High Through-Put Sequencing (HTS) will have two parts this year, combining a 1-day, virtual session with the 3-day, in-person session. This workshop is capped at 6 participants to promote more interaction between the instructors and participants. Please note, participants MUST commit to attending both parts of this workshop to register. Three workshops have two date options to allow more to attend. Each session will provide the same information so please choose the one that works best for you. The workshops are listed with “Option 1” or “Option 2” in the description. Please include your choice of dates in your registration request for the in-person ELISA Proficiency Preparation Workshop, the virtual Sample Submission for Confirmatory Testing Workshop and the virtual Production & Validation of Diagnostic Assay Controls Workshop will be offered in two sessions.

Travel reimbursements will be processed using the same method introduced in 2023. Travel reimbursements must go to the institution and NOT to the participant.  As always, there is no registration fee for attending any workshop(s) or for the meeting materials provided. The workshops are supported by a PPA 7721 Cooperative Agreement.  Travelers will submit a letter, on their institution letterhead, simply listing their reimbursable travel expenses. A template is available on the workshop portal page. The reimbursement check will be made out and mailed to the institution.  And to demonstrate the collaboration between the NPDN and USDA-APHIS-PPQ-S&T-PPCDL, each traveler will be provided a scholarship up to $1,500 for one workshop or $2,000 for two or more workshops. Any additional costs must be covered by internal funds.

For those attending the in-person workshops, please do not make any travel arrangements until you receive confirmation that the minimum participant threshold has been reached and you have received the travel arrangement details.

If you are interested in participating in any of these workshops, please contact Barb Riker at br347@cornell.edu and copy Karen Snover-Clift at kls13@cornell.edu. Check the NPDN portal frequently for updated information about the 2024 NPDN-PPCDL Advanced Diagnostic Workshops. Thank you!

Karen Snover-Clift and Barb Riker, Cornell University, Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic and NEPDN

Yazmin Rivera, Eric Newberry and Gem Santillana, Plant Pathogen Confirmatory Diagnostic Laboratory (PPCDL)


Expiration Date