
Looking for specimens of rust fungi in collaboration with the European Union National Reference Laboratories

Dear NPDN friends,

My colleague Pedro Pablo Parra, a former postdoc in my lab and now a Project Manager at the European Union National Reference Laboratories, is seeking specimens from the following genera of rust fungi: Chrysomyxa, Cronartium, Gymnosporangium, and Melampsora.

If you are working with these genera, have specimens available, or can connect me with individuals who routinely collect them, please let me know.

USDA APHIS PPQ Plant Pathogen Diagnostics Certification Program onboarding new labs

USDA APHIS PPQ’s Plant Pathogen Diagnostics Certification Program (PPDCP) is onboarding new labs for program participation.

Onboarding typically includes an introductory meeting, submitting records that demonstrate your lab’s established quality and biosafety systems, a virtual walkthrough, a “pretest” consisting of small sample sets, and finally, proficiency testing to certify the lab’s diagnosticians.

MFIT/PPCDL Registration Deadline Approaching - 11-27-24

The MFIT and PPCDL Workshop Registration Request Form submission deadline is quickly approaching. The forms must be submitted by close of business on Wednesday, November 27, 2024. Please submit your requests soon if you are hoping to attend a workshop in 2025.

What’s the next step? Workshop invitations will be sent out as participants are selected. The workshop coordinators will send out a listserv notice when the first invitations are sent out so applicants can be on the lookout.

USDA mycology lab searching for specimens of Pseudocerradoa on Monstera

To determine the distribution and diversity of the rust Pseudocerradoa on Monstera species (e.g., Swiss cheese plant, split-leaf philodendron, five-holes plant, etc.), the USDA Mycology and Nematology Genetic Diversity and Biology Laboratory is seeking fresh specimens from across the United States. Symptoms of this disease include small chlorotic leaf spots that expand and become brown to reddish-brown, often with a yellow halo, and uredinia with abundant urediniospores (Urbina et al., 2023) (Figure 1).

Webinar: How to complete the NEW PPCDL Workshop-Registration Request Form.

The PPCDL Workshop Planning Team has asked us to create a new method for registering the workshop participants. The NPDN Professional Development Committee members have been helping create and review this new process and form. Join us for a webinar with the NPDN’s PPCDL Workshop Coordinator, Karen Snover-Clift.

First NPDN Core Accredited Lab!

On behalf of the Accreditation Committee, I am excited to announce the first NPDN Core Accredited Lab: Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development! The lab became accredited on October 01, 2024.

Congratulations to Elizabeth Dorman and Dr. Stefanie Rhodes for this significant accomplishment!

Begomoviruses in Cucurbits: What You Should Know

We are excited to announce the next Emerging Viruses in Cucurbits Working Group (EVCWG) webinar/discussion opportunity, “Begomoviruses in Cucurbits: What You Should Know” 

When: October 3, 2024, from 12:00 – 1:30 PM Central Time

We hope you will be able to join us! This event is free to attend, but registration is required.


Register for the 23rd Ornamental Workshop on Insects and Diseases - October 22-24

Registration for The 23rd Ornamental Workshop on Insects and Diseases (held at the JC Raulston Arboretum in Raleigh NC, October 22nd-24th) ends on October 15th

Register soon and submit your presentation and poster titles:

Please use the google form linked below to submit your presentations and posters for the Ornamental Workshop.

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