Carrie Harmon – Executive Director, NPDN
Dear NPDN friends,
I am humbled to see each month the results of the work you do to serve your local diagnostic clientele, and the incredible work being done through the NPDN committees to benefit the entire network. To keep on top of the many projects in NPDN, remember to keep in touch with your region’s NPDN folks, check out the newly revised NPDN portal, especially the announcements and committee pages, and read up on highlights in this newsletter.
""I wish to warmly welcome our new diagnosticians and to thank those who are retiring or changing jobs. We will sorely miss those who are moving on to new adventures, but I note this does create opportunities for new diagnosticians to join labs and committees to be part of keeping NPDN working for us all. I also welcome Dr. Amer Fayed, our new NIFA National Program Leader for NPDN. NIFA is rebuilding and revising its program staff to reflect the needs of the people, much as NPDN has planned for implementation of our new strategy. Dr. Fayed is our conduit to NIFA, keeping us apprised of matters that will impact the NPDN and our science in general.

I hope you are enjoying this newsletter, just one new way our committees are working to reach out, connect, and inform. So much has happened over the past year that it is difficult to focus on just a few things, but I would be seriously remiss if I didn't simply acknowledge the incredible work you are getting done during what may be the most difficult circumstances I can think of. Thank you for your commitment to diagnostics and efforts within the NPDN.
As chief cheerleader of the NPDN, I wish you a productive year and look forward to hearing about how the new NPDN projects are working for you.
Be well,
