Ana Cristina Fulladolsa

The Professional Development Committee was hard at work during 2020. We progressed towards several goals outlined in the NPDN Strategic Plan and our committee charter. We worked as a team to put in place the first building blocks of the Professional Development (PD) Program. We changed leadership, changed our lifestyles and our work environments, and built community through our meetings. We overcame major obstacles (i.e., COVID-19) and had a productive year!

2020 Highlights

  • Curricula development: we developed draft curricula for diagnostics, onboarding, and IT. A draft of the Onboarding curriculum was shared with the Regulatory Relations Committee and is available on our committee webpage.
  • Policy development: we developed drafts of six policies with procedures for the PD Program.
  • Content development: we outlined the PD Content Development Pipeline and developed a Content Creation Package, which has been shared with NPDN members, teams, and committees interested in or working on developing content. Within our committee, five project teams began working on modules for onboarding and diagnostics.
  • Content Idea and Interest Form: we generated a form through which interested NPDN members or groups can submit ideas for content development projects and request committee support. The form is available on our committee webpage.
  • We performed a mid-year review and report, shared a committee update video , and convened a LearnUpon LMS demo.

Plans for 2021

We will continue to work on completing projects started in 2020 with focus on onboarding, content development for existing resources, and further describing the PD Content Development Pipeline and Program. For more information, to view the committee charter and mid-year report, or if you are interested in contacting the committee, please visit our website:
