Martin Deubler, Assistant Director - CERIS

This month's edition of IT Bytes touches on a couple of significant updates to the network.

The website for the NPDN First Detector Program, , is now officially retired as of 8/25/2023. Details on why the website was retired were shared in the July 2023 newsletter.

Also of note, the NPDN National Data Repository (NDR) received 27 data requests from 9/1/22 through 8/31/23. The NPDN Leadership Committee thoroughly reviewed, discussed, and voted on each of those requests, approving 17 and denying 10. On average, the committee received 2-3 data requests per month. Sensitive requests that were vaguely worded complicated the review process. To make the review process more efficient we have revised the Data Request Form, , to include several important categories that will improve specificity of data requests. The revised form includes Pest Genus/Species and Host Genus/Species with Location and Sample Dates plus Location areas. Please use this form to request data from the NDR or to request permission to share NDR data. Additionally, following these short guidelines will ensure efficient processing of your request. 

Lastly, a reminder to look for notices to start appearing for the 2024 Virtual IT Conference coming in January 2024.
Have a great month!

Your NPDN IT Team