Phytophthora ramorum Processing Flowchart

NPDN Regulatory Relations Committee
The Communicator: Volume 6, Issue 2, February 2025

The NPDN Regulatory Relations Committee announces the Phytophthora ramorum Communication and Diagnostics Processes Flowchart, a new resource for NPDN diagnosticians that is available on the secure NPDN Policies and Guidelines page (NPDN login required) under Regulatory Information.

Created by our USDA partners, this convenient 3-page document comprises multiple decision trees that illustrate the steps for communication, laboratory testing, and routing of P. ramorum samples between NPDN labs and our regulatory partners. The document also includes a list of “Terms and Explanations” regarding sample routing and provides links to fillable forms and instructions for sample transport.

Additional information about Phytophthora ramorum, disease symptoms, prevention, and treatment are available online from USDA-APHIS.