By Cindy Music
The NPDN National Data Committee, in an effort to provide updated primary/synonym naming modifications for the diagnosticians, is publishing synonym modifications in the NPDN Newsletter on a regular basis. From September 1, 2020 through November 13, 2020, there were 124 pest codes with synonyms either edited or added. 
Code Type Common Name Scientific Name
ITBCCCA Pest European chafer beetle Hypena scabra
FIEVGCS Pest Black rot Phyllosticta ampelicida
NEEBABH Pest Leaf gall nematode Litylenchus crenatae
FMBCCNX Pest Brown stripe Graminopassalora graminis
PCADABB Pest Needle and thread grass Hesperostipa comata
FVNYSVA Pest Narcissus yellow stripe (NYSV) Potyvirus Narcissus Yellow Stripe Virus
ILAJCCA Pest Ash spangall mite Aceria fraxinivorus
ILAJDBA Pest Ash flower gall mite Aceria fraxiniflora
INAMADA Pest Flea beetles Subfamily Galerucinae; Tribe Alticini
INASCWA Pest Fuller rose beetle Naupactus cervinus   
INBQFRA Pest Scolytid beetle Cryphalus sp./spp.
FBCFSNT Pest White pine needle defoliation Botryosphaeriales, Septorioides strobi
FZZZSNP Pest Unspecified pathology Botryosphaeriales, Septorioides strobi
111 entries with either Bark beetle or Ambrosia beetle common name updates.