Erin Hill, Michigan State University
Plant identification apps for smart phones have seen significant improvements over the past several years, offering the opportunity to take a photo and get an instant identification in many cases.
There are now several smartphone apps available to assist with plant identification. As an expert in this area, it was with a bit of skepticism that I began evaluating plant identification apps in 2018 for use in the Weed Science Laboratory class at Michigan State University and for presentations to various garden groups. Each year, I evaluate a minimum of six apps that are available for both Android and iOS smartphones, with the best performers carrying over to the next year’s evaluation. I have evaluated 14 apps thus far (see complete list at the bottom of the article). Most of these apps use photo recognition software to identify plants from a photo, but some require more descriptive input from the user, similar to traditional plant keys. Most are free or have a free version. It is important to read all terms prior to downloading or purchasing apps. This assessment is for educational purposes only. Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned.
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