
Dear APS Pacific Division Members, 
APS-Pacific will meet in Tucson, AZ March 14-16, 2023. We have organized a neat field trip to Biosphere2 and a pistachio orchard, and we will offer Careers 101, with a focus on networking. 
Our symposium theme is: Abiotic impacts on biotic agricultural challenges – invited speakers, Dr. Michael K. Johnson, Dr. Jane E. Stewart, and Dr. Cassandra L. Swett will dive into agricultural resilience//climate variability. 
You can register, submit an abstract, book your hotel, nominate an officer, nominate your colleagues for an award, and apply for a graduate student award all at one link: https://www.apsnet.org/members/community/divisions/pac/meetings/pages/2023pacificmeeting.aspx 
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask! 

See you in Tucson!
Hannah M. Rivedal
APS Pacific Division President-Elect
USDA-ARS Forage Seed and Cereal Research Unit

*Note: ALL times listed for NPDN events shall be listed as Eastern Time.